UNH 2023 Alumni Entrepreneur Hall of Fame Inductees and ECenter Champion Award


N达勒姆.H. — 的 永利app新版本官网地址 (UNH) announces four inductees into its Alumni Entrepreneur Hall of Fame, 以及新的ECenter冠军奖的首届入选者. All of the inductees will be recognized for their prestigious careers and accomplishments at a ceremony and reception on Friday, 10月. 2023年11月13日,返校周末.

UNH名人堂位于UNH 彼得T. 保罗创业中心 (ECenter) and recognizes alumni who have achieved significant entrepreneurial success as founders, 各种企业的联合创始人或所有者, 同时也以有意义的方式回馈他们的社区. 的 new ECenter Champion award honors a remarkable individual who has had a marked impact on the ECenter and its students, 确保在未来产生持久的影响.

“这是又一个令人印象深刻的提名年, 委员会面临着一项艰巨的任务,那就是将入选者限制在5人以内,约书亚·西尔说, UNH临时主任彼得T. 保罗创业中心和评选委员会主席. “This year’s new members exemplify the entrepreneurial mindset and ambition that the ECenter works to foster for the next generation of business leaders and mentors.”


鲍勃·菲利普斯1976年 是3EDGE资产管理有限公司的执行合伙人兼首席技术官. He is a member of the investment committee and responsible for all of the firm’s operations including the investment modeling platforms. 在3EDGE之前, 菲利普斯是HBX的代理首席技术官, 哈佛商学院在线教育平台, Windhaven投资管理公司高级副总裁, 执行副总裁 & CTO at Windward Investment Management and Senior Vice President at Fidelity Investments. Bob is the recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the 永利app新版本官网地址’s 工程学院 and 物理科学 (CEPS) and is the former chair of the CEPS Advisory Board. He currently chairs the UNH Foundation Board, as well as the ECenter Advisory Task Force.

的 2023 inductees for the Alumni Entrepreneur Hall of Fame are listed below:

安德烈·博普雷,1975年 是Beaupre的联合创始人 & Co., a national communications firm, which was acquired by Brodeur Partners and Omnicom Group, Inc.是纽约证券交易所财富200强公司之一. In 2017, 他是Soulful Advantage的联合创始人, 帮助企业扩大社会影响力的战略咨询公司, 增加利益相关者的支持, improve workplace culture and meaningfully communicate purpose to gain competitive advantage. Beaupre是《永利app新版本官网地址》一书的作者, a best-selling business book that tells the stories of nine inspirational business leaders. He is an avid photographer, history aficionado, explorer and live music enthusiast. 他和他的妻子凯伦住在新罕布什尔州的多佛角.H.

埃里克·多迪尔92年 是RafterOne的联合创始人兼首席执行官, a Salesforce partner specializing in delivering multi-cloud commerce solutions in the retail, 科技和制造业. RafterOne is a Summit level partner for Salesforce, their highest-level partner status. Prior to founding RafterOne, Dodier worked at Cabletron Systems in sales and training. 他拥有UNH’s 彼得T . university的工商管理学士学位. 保罗工商经济学院,辅修心理学. 夏天的周末,多迪尔会在北达科他州的湖区度过.H. 冬天周末去怀特山脉滑雪. 他和妻子雷切尔住在海边,还有两个孩子和两条狗. 

吉尔·格拉文克,06年 是东北航道的创始人和执行董事, a nationally recognized leader in the field of recreational therapy and adaptive sports. In 1990, Gravink在2000年成立了一家私人非营利组织——东北航道, 经过多年的成功合作, merged Northeast Passage with the 永利app新版本官网地址 to become a service and re海rch branch within the 卫生学院 and 人类服务. Jill also serves as a clinical faculty member within the Recreation Management and Policy Department. 

大卫·哈拉,1988年 is a 30-year veteran in the biopharmaceutical industry with expertise in early-stage company-building as well as operating large multinational biotech companies. 他是ElevateBio的董事长兼首席执行官,也是AlloVir的董事长. 他还活跃于其他几个董事会, including serving as chairman of Scholar Rock and iTeos 的rapeutics and as the lead independent director of Seer Biosciences. halal也是MPM Capital的顾问. 

如欲了解更多及报名参加活动,请登入: http://aorl.ngskmc-eis.net/ecenter/hof

永利app新版本官网地址 激励创新,改变我们国家、民族和世界的生活. 超过16个,000 students from all 49 states and 82 countries engage with an award-winning faculty in top-ranked programs in business, 工程, 法律, 卫生和公共服务, 文科, 以及200多个科学研究项目. 卡内基R1分类机构, 联合国大学与美国宇航局合作, 美国国家海洋和大气管理局, NSF, 和国家卫生研究院, and received over $210 million in competitive external funding in FY23 to further explore and define the frontiers of land, 海, 和空间.